
Belgium: Royal Decree SUP II

On May 03, 2024, the Belgian federal government gave its final approval regarding the royal decree to limit the marketing of certain single-use products and increase the recycled content of certain products. This RD was published in the Belgian Official Gazette on July 05, 2024.

With this RD, Belgium takes a new step in the further transposition of the European Directive 2019/904 on the reduction of the effects of certain plastic products on the environment, the so-called SUP (Single Use Plastic) Directive.

It concerns on the one hand a phased phase-out of single-use plastic products, including packaging and on the other hand the imposition of a minimum recycled content of certain plastic products in particular for compost barrels, waste containers and street furniture.

Overview of the phasing out:

- 10 days after publication: ban on serving beverages for immediate consumption, on site or to take away, packaged in single-use drinking cups that are 100% plastic.

- 6 months after publication: ban on plastic wrappers for unaddressed printed advertising more than 15 cm wide.

- From January 2026: ban on beverages and food, for immediate consumption, on site or to take away, packaged in single-use drinking cups/packaging consisting of at least 10% plastic.

- From January 2028: ban on beverages and food, for immediate consumption, on site or to take away, packaged in single-use drinking cups/packaging consisting of at least 8% plastic.  Furthermore, plastic wrappers for unaddressed advertising materials will also be banned regardless of their size.

- From January 2030: ban on beverages and food, for immediate consumption on site in single-use drinking cups/packaging consisting of at least 3% plastic. If it concerns take-away (immediate consumption elsewhere than on site) then the ban applies to single-use drinking cups/packaging consisting of 6% plastic.

IBE-BVI members can receive this RD on simple request. Click here

in News
Federico Bassotto August 27, 2024
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