
BPA and its danger for humans: an EEA study.

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published a briefing pointing out a potential health risk related to Bisphenol A (BPA).

Based on data collected from an EU human biomonitoring study, the EEA’s briefing found out that up to 100% of the people taking part from 11 EU countries were likely exposed to danger caused by the exposure to BPA.

People are mainly exposed to Bisphenol A through diet due to BPA presence in many food and beverage packaging.

The briefing concludes that BPA can damage the human immune system at very low doses.

The European human biomonitoring project, HBM4EU (which is the last human biomonitoring data which supports the conclusions of EFSA), was conducted from January 2017 to June 2022. It generated Europe-wide, harmonized human biomonitoring data on the occurrence of chemicals in the European population and associated impacts on health. BPA’s level of exceedance in the urine varied between 71% and 100% on the 2,756 adults from 11 different EU countries which were tested.

IBE-BVI Members advantage:

IBE-BVI members can by simple request obtain a copy of the EEA’s briefing on BPA: click here

Post 06/10/2023

in News
Federico Bassotto March 1, 2024
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