Dangerous Goods Packaging & (F)IBC 

Assuring the safety in transport and the safety in human being.

Dangerous Goods Packaging & (F)IBC

Assuring the safety in transport and the safety in human being.

What we do:

All tests that lead in obtaining a UN certification of your packaging are carried out under our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation and are fully in accordance with the latest versions of the regulations for the transport of dangerous goods.

All certificates issued by IBE-BVI cover all different transport modi:

  • UN recommendations,
  • ADR-RID (road and rail transport)
  • ADN (inland waterways)
  • The IMDG code (maritime transport)
  • ICAO technical instructions & IATA (Air transport)

UN Testing

UN Testing

Packaging intended for 

dangerous solid product

We test all different types of packaging such as jerricans, drums, boxes, bags, FIBC, RIBC, large packaging,….

Packaging intended for dangerous liquid product

We test different types of packaging such as jerricans, drums, RIBC, large packaging, ….

Compatibility testing of plastic packaging 

In order to proof chemical compatibility:

Chemical compatibility testing intended for specific liquid products.

Advance aging with standards liquids in accordance with ADR.

Lab-scale testing for specific liquids/complex mixtures.

Vibration testing in accordance with CFR 49

Shipments taking place internally in the USA additionally require a 1 hour vibration test as an addition to a valid European UN certificate.

What is a UN certificate?

What is a UN certificate?

Based on the UN type test report, a UN mark is granted by the competent authority. The publication of the UN mark is specified in the separate document which is better known as a “CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL”.

A UN certification enables your packaging to be used for the transport of dangerous goods, what is sometimes a necessity or can also open a different market for your packaging.

Packaging that has successfully obtained UN certificate will also be followed up on a regular basis by our auditing teams that comes to check the production process and quality system on predefined times. This also brings that as long as this requirement is still met together with no changes to the originally tested packaging our UN certificates remain valid indefinitely in time.

At IBE-BVI you can have the choice between a Belgian or a Dutch UN certificate, as we are recognized by both the Belgian and the Dutch competent authorities.


According to the legislation, the quality assurance program includes internal inspections at the manufacturer and includes both the initial, manufacturing and final inspection, as well as the recording of the results. In the case of holders of certificates for composite packaging and bag filling companies, checks are also imposed and carried out. Furthermore, this quality assurance program must comply with the instructions of the competent authority and be carried out under the supervision of a recognized body.

Belgian regulation: 

Circular Note TDG38-v.2017 (free IBE-BVI translation)

New guidelines (applicable as from 01/11/2017)

Dutch regulation:

Richtlijn voor de toepassing van het kwaliteitsborgingsprogramma

Bijlage 1: Minimum vereisten voor de productie van verpakkingen

Bijlage 2: Minimum vereisten voor de bewerking van verpakkingen

Authorities' recognitions



Belgian Authorities

The approval sent to the Belgian Packaging Institute (IBE-BVI) involves performing the full range of tests on:

  • Packaging;
  • Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC);
  • Large Packaging's in accordance with the UN Recommendations - taking into consideration the results obtained, an approval may or may not be issued for all kinds of transport (ADR-RID, ADNR, IMDG, ICAO); and
  • Special packaging's for infectious and diagnostic agents (class 6.2, UN 3373).

Actual guidelines

  1. TDG38 getekend & gedateerd NL inclusief bijlage 1&2 
  2. TDG 38 signé & daté FR inclus annex 1&2 

  3. TDG 38 Appendix 1 ENG 
  4. TDG 38 Appendix 2 ENG 

Dutch Authorities

Testing & Consultancy Packaging International (T&CPI), establishment of the Belgian Packaging Institute BVBA located in Breda is recognized by Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILenT).

To learn more about our foreign part and to discover more about the IBE-BVI Group, click here.

For the enterprises with a Dutch UN-mark the following guidelines are in force:

Actual guidelines (applicable as from November 1st, 2017)
  1. Guideline for the application of the quality assurance programme
  2. Annex 1: Minimum requirements for the production of packaging 
  3. Annex 2: Minimum requirements for the revision of packaging (Only in Dutch) 
  4. Guideline 02 (Inspection Unites - The Netherlands): remains in force (only in Dutch)




Metal IBC made from steel, destinated for the transport of solids

11A/Y/* **

Flexible IBC, destinated for the transport of solids 

13H3/Z/* **

* = month of production
** = year of production

Every IBC manufactured and intended for use in accordance with the regulations must bear a durable and clearly legible marking, at least 12 mm in font size, composed as follows:

a) the UN symbol for packaging: If the marking is stamped or embossed on metal IBCs, this symbol may be replaced by the capital letters "UN";

b) the code of the IBC-type: eg 11A - 13H3
c) a capital letter identifying the packaging group (s) for which the construction type was approved:
            i) X: packing groups I, II and III (IBCs for solids only) ;
           ii) Y: packing groups II and III ;
          iii) Z: only packing group III
d) the month and year (last two digits) of manufacture;
e) the symbol of the State which has granted the mark using the licence number of cars in international road traffic;
f) the name or mark of the manufacturer and any other identification mark of the IBC established by the competent authority;
g) the load in kg, with which the stacking test was carried out. IBCs which are not designed to be stacked must bear the figure "0";
h) the maximum permissible gross mass or - for flexible IBCs - the maximum permissible load, in kg.

The various elements of the basic characteristic must be displayed in the order of the above paragraphs.

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