The EU-funded CIRCULAR FoodPack project has revolutionized recycling for flexible plastic multilayer composites (MLCs), traditionally deemed unrecyclable due to their complex structure.
Using €5.4 million from the Horizon 2020 program, the project developed innovative tracer-based sorting, water-based treatment, and solvent-based recycling technologies to enable closed-loop recycling for food-grade packaging. Fluorescent tracers integrated into printing inks allow laser-based systems to distinguish food from non-food packaging with 99% accuracy in mixed waste streams. These tracers, along with printing inks, are removed during washing and deinking processes, while solvent-based recycling separates additives, inks, and odors from polyethylene to produce high-quality recyclates. Infrared deodorization further eliminates volatile substances, making the material suitable for food packaging when combined with functional migration barriers.
The resulting films, containing up to 50% post-consumer recycled polyethylene, have proven machinable for various formats like flow wrap bags and pouches, with a double-barrier design ensuring safety and compliance with EU regulations.
By creating high-performance, eco-designed packaging that’s easy to recycle, CIRCULAR FoodPack aligns with the EU’s vision of a carbon-neutral, circular economy by 2050, transforming waste into a valuable resource while reducing environmental impact.
You can find the link to the project by clicking here.